service Details

Substance Use Counseling | Trauma Healing | Sex positive Approach

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Sex Positive

Creating or facilitating the capacity to feel joy simply by experiencing your partners’ own joy. I offer a non-judgmental and open space to explore ideas and beliefs about sex as well as explore open relationships. I use a sex-positive framework to explore relational intimacy, freedom within different relationship structures, sexual expression, and eroticism.

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Kink Aware

You may be looking for a therapist who understands what it is like to be different, do things differently, and even love differently. We can explore power dynamics, fetishes, BDSM practices, and sexual diversity.

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help with substance use

We will explore different family dynamics, life patterns, and cycles that influence your substance use, your thoughts and emotions, and how this impacts your choices. We will explore different individual approaches to support you in improving the quality of your life.

Calming and healing birds image for trauma support

trauma healing

While there are several different types of trauma, we will seek a unique pathway of growth, healing, and restoration. We will work toward discovering your true potential.